Customisable Student Support

Assembly's well-being and learning support modules have been developed with full customisability in mind, without compromising on ease-of-use. Users are able to work with our support team in creating templates set to your specific requirements. Staff are then able to enter records using the school's customised template range. No longer do you have to go to third party software so that you can have a system that exactly suits your needs. Instead, you can create this directly within Assembly, which allows full and instant access to all your students, staff and anything else you need, all from within the one application. In addition, we have created some fantastic reports which allow you to view your data in a variety of ways.



Our well-being module allows templates to be created for: accidents, rewards, behaviours, redemptions, pastoral and anything else. Each template can be designed for the specific task it is being used for, ensuring that the information being stored is extremely applicable. There are almost no limits to the styles of templates that can be created in well-being. Each record can be created simply with only a single incident, or may include multiples events and outcomes. The choice is yours. 


Learning Support

Our learning support module, like our well-being module, features completely customisable templates. Your school can create templates that exactly suit your specific requirements, allowing you to record exactly what you want, how you want. For example, you may want a specific template for reading recovery, which may be quite different to what you wish to record for ESOL. It's entirely up to you. Learning support records can be set up for individuals or for groups. They can last for weeks or for years, and can track everything related to the programme for whole time the student is involved in that programme.


Complete Follow-Up as and when needed

Though well-being and learning support records are complete within themselves, we also recognise that sometimes you would like to record more detail on any individual record. As such we allow users involved in the records to be able to record:

  • A list of tasks that should be completed for that record, such as contacting the parents/caregivers, etc.
  • Conversations: Users involved in the record will be able to hold written conversations within the record. Very useful for personnel outside of the school who are involved with this incident or programme.
  • Meetings: Easily keep track of any meetings that have been held related to the incident or programme, including who attended and any conclusions reached.
  • Files/Links: Ability to link any file related to the incident or programme such as a doctor's certificate, etc.
The follow-up tabs are available for every incident or programme, should they need to be used. These are really handy for keeping everything in one place, making it very simple to go back and review all the details on what has occurred. 


Individual Education Plans

Assessments are not always the same. Sometimes it is easier to work with a whole class at a time, quickly filling in the results down the page, such as for tests. Other times it is a lot easier to concentrate on a single student at a time, such as for caregiver reporting. Assembly allows you to use both methods, at any time, or switch between them - whatever suits you when you are working.


Extensive reporting

As our student hub is the centre of teacher's assembly activity, we have included our attendance registers on our student hub dashboard. Teachers will see the registers that need to be completed and, with the click of a button, can access the register and fill it in. From the administration side, office administrators are able to track which registers have been completed and which ones still need to be done. Attendance results are automatically collated and attendance officers are able to immediately handle any unknown absences or truants. With links to automatic attendance software, Assembly is able to quickly get responses from parents or caregivers and update their attendance results. With associated comprehensive reports and visualisations, attendance analysis is a breeze.


Assembly Bank

Assembly contains a feature-rich behavioural system which allows users to record and track full details on any behaviour incident including all participants and the behaviour (both good and bad) that each participant was involved in. All follow-up responses can be completed, allowing a full record of the incident to be recorded. Schola is currently working with PB4L to enable Assembly to completely support positive behaviour for learning and the required associated reports.